Education ~ Injury Prevention

Working in Extreme Cold Weather Tips

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Tobogganing and Sledding Safety

Top Tips
  • Wear a helmet. Because of the high incidence of head injuries everyone should be properly fitted with a helmet: either a ski helmet or hockey helmet.
  • Hills should be regularly inspected and closed if conditions are dangerous.
  • Hills should be free of obstacles such as rocks, fences poles and trees. They should be located a safe distance from roads, rivers, lakes and parking lots.
  • Hills should have a sufficiently long, clear run out at the bottom of the hill, free of obstacles.
  • Children should be supervised.
  • Teach children to slide down the middle of the hill, climb up the sides of the hill and to watch for sledders while ascending the hill.
  • Don’t use hills after dark.
  • Use the sitting position when going down hills—do not go head first.
  • Don’t go out in icy or excessively cold conditions.

Cycling & Motorcycling Safety

Top Tips
  • Cycling & Motorcycling Safety

    Bicycle injury prevention tips:

    • Riders of all ages should wear helmets
      • Helmets prevent many head injuries each year
      • It is the LAW in Alberta; bicyclists below the age of 18 MUST wear a helmet
      • Discard each helmet involved in a high intensity impact
    • Be educated, practise road safety
      • Know the rules of the road
      • Learn how to properly signal to make motorists aware of your intentions

    Do not ride through crosswalks. When on a crosswalk, dismount your bike and act as a pedestrian. When on the road, comply with traffic rules and act as a motorist … Read More

Winter Sports Safety

Top Tips
  • Skiing and Snowboarding
    Did you know?

    • Falls involving skiing and snowboarding are the most common reason for hospitalizations as a result of any alpine sport in Canada
    • 10% of all alpine sport injuries were to the head/face/neck
    • Downhill ski-related injuries were highest among children and youth between the ages of 10-19
    • Helmets are shown by research to reduce the risk of head injury and are recommended during skiing and snowboarding

    Backcountry/Avalance Safety
    Did you know?

    • Before entering the backcountry, you should check current report form avalanche centre and regional weather
    • Clues indicating unstable snow: recent avalanches, cracking or collapsing snowpack, drum-like sounds on hard snow, heavy snowfall or rain in the last 24 hours (avalanches are often triggered on the first clear day after a storm), rapidly increasing temperatures and gravity can cause the snow to creep downhill.
    • Any slopes with an angle greater than 30 degrees are likely for avalanche generation
    • Trigger points may be from below the avalanche slopes, so take care when traveling below slide-prone slopes
    • Slope aspect: northern aspects receive the least sun, so they tend to preserve weak layers, which makes them less stable; southern slopes receive more sun, which makes them more stable during winter, but more prone to wet slides during spring
    • Always expose only one person at a time to avalanche-prone areas and the remaining members of the group should observe the exposed until he/she is in a safe location